committees and issues 2021
Depending on the committees, the debates will be held in French, English or both (bilingual committees English/French) - These choices are subject to change at the discretion of the ClerMUN Team.
Chair reports for each committee:
Security Council

What measures should be taken to limit weapons' sales and trafficking worldwide?
What measures should be taken to regulate the flow of people and goods in space?

World Health Organization

How can we organize mobilities, on a global scale, in the event of a global pandemic crisis?
How can global access to medicines and goods be improved in the event of a global pandemic crisis?

Human Rights Council

How can we guarantee the respect of the fundamental rights of professional and private travelers worldwide (business trips, humanitarian missions, journalists, tourists, etc.)?
How can we prevent the illegal trafficking of women and children to stop forced prostitution and illegal adoption?

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

How can we better manage refugee flows so that their basic human rights are respected?
Should migration be encouraged and accepted by all countries while ensuring migrants security and integration?

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

How can we define and prevent cyber security risks worldwide?
How can we encourage and accelerate the transition to sustainable transport and energy?

ClerMUN - Clermont-Ferrand